28 April 2008

25 Ways To Win With people

· Start with yourself

· Practice the 30-second rule

· Let people know you need them

· Create a memory and visit it often

· Comliment people in front of other people

· Give others a reputation to uphold

· Say the right words at the right time

· Encourage the dreams of others

· Pass the credits to others

· Offer your very best

· share a secret with someone

· Mine the gold of good intentions

· Keep your eyes off the mirror

· Do for others what they cant do for themselves

· Listen With Your heart

· Find the key to their hearts

· Be the first to help

· Add value to people

· Remember a person's story

· Tell a good story

· Give with no strings attached

· Learn your mailman's name

· Point out people strengths

· Write notes of encouragements

· Help people win.

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